World-renowned British actress Maggie Smith passed away on Friday, September 27, 2024. Her sons Toby Stephens and Chris Larkin released a statement revealing that she passed peacefully at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. The joint statement...
Fabuloso, a cleaning brand of Venezuelan origin, made Rosa Picosa their latest spokesperson in a move best described as “fabulous.” Rosa Picosa’s “inauguration” was at a press event hosted by Fabuloso. There, she demonstrated...
Iowa Hawkeyes player, Caitlin Clark, is now the biggest star athlete in both Men and Women’s basketball. Clark, 22, success still comes to the Iowan after her finals loss to fellow NCAA star Angel...
Pop sensation Sabrina Carpenter‘s latest music video caused a stir amongst members of the Catholic Church. The 24-year-old singer and team filmed a music video in Our Lady of Mount Carmel-Annunciation Parish, located in...
It seems Paris Hilton and Carter Reum have alot to be thankful for this holiday season. Entertainer, socialite, and hotel heiress Paris Hilton and her husband, Carter Reum, announced the arrival of their second...
The ‘Friends’ Star leaves behind a lasting impact and fans all-over in shock. Matthew Perry, star of the 90s sitcom ‘Friends‘, was reportedly found dead at his home in the LA area. The 54-year-old...
Album signifies Taylor Swift’s dominance over culture and her own music. Swifties rejoice! Today, Friday, October 27, is when the world’s biggest pop star, Taylor Swift, released her version of ‘1989’ album as ‘1989 (Taylor’s...
The Powerpuff Girl live-action show is canceled after years of development issues that included reshoots, script rewrites, and cast changes. The Powerpuff Girls live-action show is no longer in development as the network, The...